The Young Heirs of A Mission That Grows Younger as Time Ages
The Young Writers of Erguvan Art & Academy
The youth of Hizmet are determined to face challenges for the cause they believe in. Upon reaching their goals, they are mature enough to attribute all their successes to the true owner of those achievements. They exhibit profound respect and reverence toward the Almighty Creator. While serving others, they hold everyone's suggestions and opinions in high regard and ensure they are valued. They place immense importance on every individual. However, they never idolize those they admire for their successes. Their belief in the will of the Creator is unwavering, and they maintain balance at all times, standing like a monument of passion.
When faced with an unfinished task, they do not wait for someone else to complete it. They feel responsible and duty-bound before anyone else in case of an unfinished task and are respectful and just towards everyone who helps them raise the truth. With an original stance that embraces all, they never lose faith or hope, even when the opportunities and support they expect are not provided, or when trust in them seems to vanish. When they are met with more interest and support than expected, they remain humble and tolerant. They show deep respect for the early youth of Hizmet who lead the way, and are bound to them with unbreakable ties. They never disregard the wisdom of their experienced elders.
The Hizmet youth are realistic and wise enough to accept from the very beginning that the path they love is difficult. No matter how great the obstacles they may face, they carry a deep belief and a strong determination that they can overcome them. They are passionately committed to the cause they have dedicated themselves to. They know they are part of a relay race. They never forget that they must honorably pass on the responsibility of being a youth in Hizmet to those who follow, and that it is their duty to prepare a more flourishing ground for future youth to serve. They are loyal enough to sacrifice everything when needed, and they are generous and sincere enough without ever boasting about their sacrifices afterward.
Hizmet is a Youth Movement
Fethullah Gülen Hocaefendi has repeatedly emphasized that, in the world of the future, passionate youth will once again illuminate humanistic values; that through their efforts, these ideals will come to life, and many dreams will be realized, as if defying utopias (Gülen, 2002). These young people are the true heirs of all the prophets and the most genuine inheritors of the Pride of Humanity, the Sultan of Prophets (peace be upon him) (Gülen, 1990). These young people are the evidence of those who come from the pioneers with the potential to change the course of the world. They have deeply internalized the notion that “If He exists, life has value; if He does not, life is not worth living” and they understand that what truly matters is not the destination, but the journey itself (Gülen, 2020). These young people, who realize that ten devoted individuals can achieve more than ten million people, race forward with their greatest asset—dedication—and the desire to nurture life in others. They are driven by the ideal of representing this mission at the highest level. They actively ignore every obstacle and thorn that may hinder them, and with a cry of "Vira Bismillâh!" they continue on their path.
It is unquestionable that developing these passionate and dedicated individuals requires the presence of great leaders—leaders who deeply reflect on what must be considered, have the necessary knowledge, and instantly apply what they know. Like Israfil, who walks the earth with the trumpet of resurrection at his lips, these leaders move with the determination to breathe new life into every soul they encounter. To inspire these youth to become "passionately devoted," leaders must actively shape the environment so that, if the youth have a gift for expression, they channel the power of words; if they lean toward writing, they convey their thoughts through the pen; if they have a talent for art, they express themselves through designs and lines; if they are poets, they reveal their emotions through the magic of poetry; and if they are drawn to music, they create through the enchantment of compositions and melodies. In this way, these youth emerge as individuals whose words connect to the depths of their hearts and whose hearts remain sincerely dedicated to the highest truth, consistently expressing their innermost feelings at every opportunity (Gülen, 2002).
“Those who aspire to build the [world] of tomorrow cannot overlook the concerns of the youth, to whom they entrust everything, both blood and soul. Both the nation and the state, along with all their institutions, must actively address this delicate matter in establishing a great and prosperous new world.” (Gülen, 1981).
Indeed, youth, no matter when or where, play a pivotal role in shaping the future of the society they are part of. Hocaefendi emphasizes that societies that strive to properly educate and empower their youth will continue to progress, while those that neglect them will inevitably experience decline (Gülen, 2011). Nations maintain their vitality through their youth. When they lose the spirit of youth, they wither like flowers whose capillaries have been severed (Gülen, 1986). Youth stand at the core of action in the Hizmet Movement. At this point, the importance of societal progress, the continuation of generations, and the emergence of a selfless, original generation capable of nurturing and mentoring each other becomes clear. A society that does not provide the right environment and necessary opportunities for its youth will likely fail to sustain success and stability.
“From past to present, youth have been repeatedly discussed, becoming the subject of newspapers, magazines, and even books. However, these discussions mostly consisted of accusations, complaints, and expressions of regret and disappointment. No one addressed why this was happening, nor did they focus on solving this monumental issue. Many of those who did address it either pretended not to hear or even actively avoided drawing attention to it” (Gülen, 1981).
“For years, I have fervently prayed to my Lord for the people who will uphold this mission to come from the youth, and I continue to do so” (Gülen, 2011).
The first to embrace this cause, as guided by Hocaefendi’s vision, were the early youth, the sabikunel evvelin. Throughout history, youth have often been found alongside the schools of thought that shaped the pulse of their times. One such example is Plato, a student of Socrates, one of the founders of Ancient Greek and Western philosophy. Similarly, Joshua stood by Moses, the young apostles by Jesus, and many young Companions, such as Ali (r.a.), stood by our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon all), wholeheartedly committing themselves to the path they believed in. In more recent history, during the 20th century, we see young individuals like Hulusi Yahyagil and Hüsrev Subaşı standing by Bediüzzaman Said Nursî, as well as spiritually youthful guides like Şamlı Hafız Tevfik, and many others (Gülen, 2011).
In addition to the importance of youth always playing an active role, the conditions of the time they live in must also be considered. Every era has its own spirit, and thus each one is born with its unique requirements and differences. As society evolves with each new generation, its thoughts are shaped by emerging needs and desires, leading to a renewal of methods and approaches for those who aim to serve society. Hocaefendi highlights this point, emphasizing that, as the youth of our age, we must find our own path and context. In this regard, those who serve must ensure that their decisions align both with the conditions of the time they live in and with the purposes of Allah (Almighty) (Gülen, 2019). As Fethullah Gülen Hocaefendi mentions between the lines of his writings, when conveying the truths of the mission we are passionate about, if we fail to experiment with new methods, styles, and approaches suited to the colors and patterns of the time, we risk dulling or fading the truth itself.
The direction of the youth, who will shape the future of societies, depends on the training, education, and spiritual awareness they receive (Gülen, 2011). Since youth will differ in age and level, it is crucial to analyze each individual accurately and provide education according to their level, rather than nurturing them all in the same way. Otherwise, this approach may cause damage to their intellectual development (Gülen, 2011).
Undoubtedly, the one thing that transcends all reservations, and the barriers of space, language, and culture, is the compassionate guidance and direction provided to youth by the dedicated servants of Hizmet through the language of compassion. When young people encounter this compassion, trust, faith, and motivation from their elders—combined with the repeated reinforcement of the greatness of the ideals expected of them—it is highly unlikely that they would remain indifferent to the goals of the Hizmet Movement. Just as the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) surrounded himself with many companions under the age of twenty, appointing some to spread the faith to the far corners of the world and assigning others as commanders of armies that included figures like Abu Bakr and Omar (may Allah be pleased with them), the passionate servants of this era must also deeply internalize their faith and trust in youth. They must convey their expectations—that the youth will spread the teachings of this faith to every corner of the world, and, if necessary, even to space—with unwavering confidence in every suitable setting and opportunity.
Our Almighty Lord, with a prophetic approach, will undoubtedly send children, and adolescents, young individuals whose hearts beat with passionate love for Allah (Almighty); just as He once sent the youthful yet wise Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) to lie in the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) bed during his migration. These young people, striving to stand taller by rising on their toes, will see dying and living for Allah (Almighty) as the highest of all honors. Perhaps He has already sent them. Just as worship is even more beautiful when practiced by youth, the pain felt by elders who grieve over this generation being pulled away from religion and worship is equally profound. The elders’ sorrow for this new generation, who is constantly tempted by worldly desires, and their efforts to instill a sense of belonging in the youth through the duties and missions they entrust to them, are perhaps just as precious.
Hizmet’s Return to Its Roots
Knowing the Path and the Traveler
Brotherhood (Uhuvvet) and Spiritual Unity (Şahs-ı Manevi)
In a prophetic understanding, the concepts of brotherhood (uhuvvet) and spiritual unity (şahs-ı manevi) carry profound meanings. To grasp these meanings fully, we can find guidance in numerous sources, such as the sayings and practices of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), the Holy Qur’an, and works like the Risale-i Nur and the Pırlanta (Pearls of Wisdom).
“Just as individual persons may possess virtues, so too does the spiritual collective (şahs-ı manevi) have its own unique virtues. The virtue of a community that has become fully unified, almost as if it were a single person, like a ‘solidly built structure’ (bünyân-ı marsûs)…” (Gülen, 2018).
Hocaefendi has emphasized to us the importance of being bound to one another with an intense connection, being aware of each other as if we were a single body. If one organ is ill, all other organs feel and know it. Perhaps this is why healing within is only possible through unity and solidarity. From the heart to the white blood cells, every organ and cell moves together in harmony. Therefore, we too must strive to achieve the harmony of a single body with our fellow companions on this path, integrating the balance of constant communication and interaction into our lives. The Qur’an and the Sunnah advise us to maintain balance in many aspects of our lives: balance in eating and drinking, balance in sleep, balance in speech… In our time, people place great importance on advancing both materially and spiritually, as well as on individual careers and success. However, it is also recommended to be very balanced in these matters. Bediüzzaman, on the other hand, distinguishes one particular quality that must be balanced above all others: Connection. Especially in an era where the madness of the times constantly places obstacles in our path, it is nearly impossible for individuals to achieve a goal as essential as i‘lâ-yi kelimetullah (the exaltation of Allah’s word) on their own. In this context, a şahs-ı manevi (spiritual collective) is the most unique and effective way for individuals to become a unified whole. The prescription for this şahs-ı manevi is an intense connection. Therefore, an intense connection with our fellow companions in Hizmet must be established. Since this connection is for the sake of Allah, there is no harm in it being excessively strong.
“As expressed in a Hadith: ‘Indeed, the believers are like bricks of a firmly constructed building; each part strengthens the other’” (Gülen, 2018).
By following the path shown by the Prophet (peace be upon him) and reflecting on his words, the concepts of uhuvvet (brotherhood) and intense connection should once again be emphasized and bridges rebuilt among the companions in service. Indeed, now is the time for brotherhood, the time to be a community. Capturing the spirit of the times is only possible through sincere solidarity with the youth, helping them feel the spirit of brotherhood, and fostering strong, meaningful connections. Those who are closest to Allah (Almighty) are the ones who embody the prophetic spirit.
Today, when crises surround us from every side, and when, if we may say, Allah (Almighty) is beginning to ‘tighten’ the world once again the last thing the Golden Generation should do is to isolate themselves from everything else and focus solely on individual worship. The Golden Generation is the one whose actions precede their ideas. What truly matters is to run like swift stallions, to fly like doves, to fill any void, to solve any problem, to push oneself to the limit, and to strive to become the Abu Bakrs, Omars, Uthmans, Alis, Khadijas, Aishas, and Sumayyahs (may Allah be pleased with them all) of our time. To be the courageous heart that could say, “If I were there, I would have shielded the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) like Nusaybah (may Allah be pleased with her),” and to rise with the spirit of those who were the first in their faith, to feel their immense courage and zeal deep within our souls, and to see this feeling as a trust bestowed upon us; a trust that ties us to our geography and century, shaping our role within it.
Loyalty and Love (Muhabbet)
Love is the journey of knowing and recognizing Allah (Almighty).
“The sharpest, shortest, and most wholesome path to reaching the horizon of the perfect human is the path of love” (Gülen, 2011).
Its sharpness comes from distinguishing the true path from the false one; its directness stems from its clarity and correctness; and its wholesomeness is derived from the aim of reaching Him (Almighty) and His beloved ones. Hocaefendi highlights Love as the second trait of Inheritors of the Earth within the spiritual legacy he has set forth for today’s world. He also describes love as the ultimate point of union. Love is the thirst quenched by drinking deeply from the fountain of reunion, attained after all trials and waiting.
“Love is an intense affection, a deep passion, an obsession, a longing born from perfection, beauty, and empathy; such love is often referred to as metaphorical love” (Gülen, 2011).
The blossoming love felt for Him (glorified and exalted be He) and His infinite love for us… Love is the sole reason for the desire that grows as we come to know Him more, and as it grows, so does the eagerness to know, understand, and convey His essence even more.
This love is first directed toward the Creator, and then toward His creation because of Him, as Allah (Almighty) reminds us of Himself through various forms. Within the companionship of Hizmet, the place of love and affection must also be remembered. The deep affection, passion, and devotion among brothers and sisters are indispensable elements of the path of our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). As people of Hizmet, it is essential to convey this precious legacy to the youth. A bridge must be built between the early youth of Hizmet and the new generation, with love, affection, and the language of the heart as the foundations of that bridge. Only then will words be silenced, the heart will speak, and hearts will deeply understand and sustain this love for Hizmet.
A person should see their Lord everywhere, hear Him, seek Him, and find Him once again. One should look around and see everything as a mirror reflecting oneself, searching to find oneself in creation, and do so with great love and passion. Just as the sun, created by our Lord, warms and embraces everyone—regardless of color, language, religion, race, gender, wealth, or age—human beings, created in the best form, cannot settle for doing less. While the Pride of Humanity (peace be upon him) held such an ideal, we, as volunteers in Hizmet, must also see the language of action and affection with youth as a guiding compass.
While building the bond of love, it is upon the Inheritors of the Earth to say sincerely from the heart:
“Wherever you are and whoever you are, we will come to you!”
In a sense, this means that as people of Hizmet, we must go wherever we can, knock on every door, and invite everyone into the love that resides in our hearts. As young people, it is the zeal to share, with the cup of affection, the love for Him that sings like a melody within our hearts. We know that all change begins from within. Multiplicity is always bound to unity. The vibration of a single atom affects those around it and sets them in motion. A small trickle has the potential to feed a forthcoming cascade. And the spring we dream of is only possible through reaching the springtime of Hizmet, by engaging in deeds that prepare the surroundings with tulips, roses, carnations, jasmines, and Judas trees, as if readying them for the presence of our Lord. The flowers of this spring are the youth. Therefore, it is our duty to begin understanding our roots and to say, first to our youth, the words that have been reshaped by the love of Hizmet, passed down from Mawlana to Hocaefendi. More importantly, it is our duty to live these words and to proclaim, “Wherever you are, whoever you are, with love, trust, and surrender, we will come to you”. If Hizmet had a divine name, we believe it would be ‘Al-Wadud,’ one of our Lord’s names. He is Ya Wadud, the Loving One, who loves and makes His beloved be loved. He is the One who has created the very essence of all beings upon love.
“Only heroes of love, who are elevated by affection, will build the bright and prosperous worlds of the future. With smiles born of love on their lips, hearts blended with affection, eyes misty with human emotions, and glances filled with compassion for everyone and everything; these heroes of love receive messages of love from every rising and setting sun, from every burning and fading star…” (Gülen, 2011).
As young people driven by their love and passion, we add the colors born from this mill of excitement to this endless palette. Hocaefendi emphasizes to the youth the importance of “grounding these strong emotions on a strategic basis with reason, using them appropriately, and linking them to a solid project” (Gülen, 2015). In this regard, it is up to the youth to blend their loyalty to the core of Hizmet with their curiosity for the future, to climb the steps of the ladder that reaches the heavens with an amateur spirit through their efforts, and to always keep Hocaefendi’s advice at the forefront of their thoughts.
Loyalty is like a beautiful flower on the emerald hills; it is the remembrance of even the smallest kindness shown by others. Loyalty and love should be seen as reflections of this elevated understanding of brotherhood. For a person of Hizmet, feeling a sense of loyalty first to Allah (Almighty), then to our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), to our faith, to humanity, and to the cause we hold dear is a horizon to aspire to. The essence of the universe is love, and the greatest wisdom in human creation is also love. This understanding is revealed to us through countless incidents in the life of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and the lives of our esteemed Companions. The Companions valued love above all else and infused all of existence with this love and affection. For it is through love that the seeds of loyalty are sown, and those seeds lead to new flowers blooming in the spring. Therefore, as people of Hizmet, we must strengthen our bonds of love with the youth and entrust this sacred passion to a new generation of dedicated servants whose hearts have sprouted with loyalty. In doing so, we may nurture countless Alis (may Allah be pleased with him) who would selflessly sacrifice themselves for this cause without a second thought.
Leadership Today: The Importance of Servanthood and Knowing Those You Lead in the Ideal Leadership Model
Every era has its own distinct schools of thought and leaders. Leaders who embody the ideas of their time and society hold great significance for their ability to channel the energy of the youth around them. Therefore, when examining the concept of leadership in the original context of Hizmet, it is essential to consider Hocaefendi’s emphasis on servanthood and the importance of truly understanding those one serves.
"A leader is a keen judge of people. They know the individuals under their guidance better than anyone else. A person who does not understand where, how much, and for what purpose to utilize someone, or who fails to assign the right task to the right person, cannot even be considered an ordinary administrator, let alone a good leader" (Gülen, 2007).
The true leadership of our Prophet (peace be upon him) is a cornerstone in understanding leadership through Hizmet, as well as in empowering today's and future generations of youth. We believe that no one else could have conveyed the concepts of leadership and guidance to us so beautifully through their stance, words, and way of life.
A Lesson from History: The Example of Tahir Efendi
A historical anecdote illustrating the deep impact of humility and service in leadership is conveyed through an event experienced by Tahir Efendi, one of the first members of parliament. Known for his candidness, Tahir Efendi gave a brief but meaningful speech in public at the insistence of his supporters. In his speech, he conveyed the essence of leadership as service rather than coercion with the following words:
“O community! Know this: you are the 'muntehib' (choosers). I am the 'muntehab' (chosen). The place we are heading is the 'muntehabun ilayh' (the chosen destination)...” (Gülen, 2011).
We believe this statement serves as a reminder that true leadership involves being a servant who has gained the trust of the people. A true leader acts with a universal sense of service. Based on our Prophet’s (peace be upon him) Hadith, “Every prophet was sent to his own community. I was sent to all of humanity” every member of our Hizmet should see themselves as a leader dedicated to this mission. They must understand that being part of His ummah means seeking solutions to humanity's problems, continuously seeking ways to embrace the youth as a whole, and creating smiles on faces, while being deeply motivated with this responsibility day and night.
Social Structure and Leadership
In the originality of Hizmet, the position of leadership is not a badge of superiority, but a responsibility to serve. In Islam, both the leaders and the led hold each other accountable and share mutual responsibilities. Hocaefendi emphasizes that,
“In Islam, there is no distinction between the ruler and the ruled. The upper and lower levels of this social structure are parts of a whole, intertwined” (Gülen, 2011).
These parts can only achieve a successful social structure when they work together as a whole. They recognize each other, communicate, respect one another, and act in unison. The leader does not make decisions isolated from the society, nor does the society act without consulting the leader. However, an equally important point for both leaders and society is the necessity of acting with collective wisdom.
"The importance our Prophet placed on consultation throughout his entire blessed life and his respect for the opinions and thoughts of people of various ages and statuses is a subject that requires separate attention. He would seek everyone's opinions and explore ways to solidify alternative plans and projects through consultation. Sometimes, he would individually discuss ideas with those who had opinions and views, and at other times, he would gather those with insight to ensure that decisions were based on collective consultation" (Gülen, 2014).
While Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was a leader, he valued the opinions of people from all segments of society, regardless of age or status. By valuing and trusting the thoughts of his interlocutors, especially the youth, and benefiting from their knowledge and experiences, he led to the most accurate decisions. A leader considers and implements plans and projects by either gathering individual opinions or organizing group meetings to exchange ideas. This approach connects the community to the leader, instilling confidence that their issues, ideas, and feelings can be openly shared. Just as the Companions appreciated the talent of a young scholar like Hasan Basri and sought his guidance, leaders should also know their young people well, trust those who are skilled in their tasks, provide opportunities for them to showcase their abilities, and value their contributions.
Knowing Your Audience in Leadership Development
The most fundamental source of understanding one's audience is for leaders to continuously engage with those they are responsible for, building close connections and winning their hearts. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) possessed such a miraculous ability to perceive and analyze that even the harmony in his words came to life and was composed according to the needs of his listeners. Hocaefendi also points out that “A leader... must constantly be engaged with people” emphasizing that leadership is a task performed among people as just one of them (Gülen, 2006). Today’s leaders should strengthen their connections with the youth by creating interactive environments where they can listen to their ideas and provide platforms where they can prove themselves. An example from the Qur’an indicates, “In every era, there will be devoted individuals akin to the Companions of the Cave, and others will follow them; even if they are not aligned in feelings, thoughts, and beliefs, they will be resolute in continuing the journey around the same considerations” If the determined youth of era begin to see themselves as capable leaders who shape this mission, overcoming contemporary challenges will be within reach.
"A leader must know the members of their team very well. They should understand who to hold accountable for what, what to expect from whom and to what extent, and who to assign each task to. Additionally, they must manage the progress of planned tasks in such a way that neither the people involved nor the most active individuals feel disturbed by the pace of the work" (Gülen, 2006).
By using this method for task delegation, the talents and capacities of the youth can be accurately identified, and tasks can be carried out effectively. For example, if a young person interested in art is supported in developing their skills and assigned to work on projects in their field, if someone interested in science is supported in conducting research and achieving higher education, and if youth engaged in social media are given opportunities to work on outreach projects on relevant platforms, it is believed that this approach and attention to detail will help elevate Hizmet to new heights.
From Heart to Heart: Mannerism and Communication
Speech and expression, like a mystical key given to us by our Lord, unlock unopened doors and whisper the treasures of their world into hearts with their magic. As previously mentioned, using this magical key is essential to effectively communicate with youth, who are at the heart of movement and action. However, it is crucial to approach this path with sincerity and pure intention, as personal mistakes in the manner and communication of messages to the youth can hinder the essence of our work, potentially stalling or slowing it down (Gülen, 2011).
Speech is the most impactful gift bestowed upon humankind by Allah (Almighty) and the first element of human socialization. Humans are inherently social beings; thus, the need for one another cannot be overlooked. As Hocaefendi emphasized, the truth that morality can only be learned from another human being is evident in the nuances of communication.`The Master of the Both Worlds nonetheless is a master of words. The Prophet’s embodiment of all the names and attributes of our Lord is in perfect harmony with his status as the Seal of the Prophets. This harmony is such that he becomes adorned with the Divine Name Al-Jamal (the Beautiful) by manifesting beauty; with the Divine Name Al-Wadud (the Loving) by radiating love; and with the Divine Name An-Nur (the Light) by illuminating with light. These names manifest in him in such a way that he embraces and understands each individual around him, creating a unique style and communication ability that touches and unites the hearts of those he interacts with. The virtue of deeply understanding souls creates a sensitivity that encompasses all the details of how this transmission should occur—from the choice of words when addressing young audiences, to the tone and manner of speaking, and the ways of establishing a heartfelt connection from one heart to another.
“The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) would speak in a way that aligned with the level of understanding of humanity, expanding his range of communication to include everyone. At times, he would become like a child with children, a youth with the young, and an elder with the elderly. This approach and this divine character represent the system and the morality of the prophets” (Gülen, 2011).
As followers of the beloved Prophet (peace be upon him), who learned speech from the true Owner of Speech, we are reminded that with this mysterious key, we can open even the doors we believed to be unbreakable.
The power of words held an undeniable place even during the age of ignorance. Poets, as the artists of that age, developed a significant profession in Mecca. Mastery of words was not only a profession but an art, and we can say that this art held a special significance even then. The poetic language of the Qur'an provides us with great clues about the tone and method we should use. It does so because the continuous act of creation by our Lord in every moment shows us that the verses of the Qur'an are constantly being reinforced as verses.The difference between reading a verse and bringing it to life lies in living by it and giving life to it. We must become faithful devotees, passionately committed to bringing the verses of our Lord to life. As the ever-committed ‘people of action’ in Hizmet, we must engrave the verses of our Lord onto the earth. After all, this is what is expected from the Inheritors of the Earth.
Allah, addressing Moses and Aaron, commanded, "Speak to him gently, so perhaps he may be mindful of Me or fearful of My punishment," emphasizing the importance of a prophetic manner of speech. Even when dealing with someone like Pharaoh, whose heart and mind were closed to faith, the truth and reality must still be conveyed with kavl-i leyyin—soft and gentle words.
Today, some may tell you about the difficulties of being a person of such refinement. However, it is well known the devil does not deny; he merely offers excuses. This is why Hocaefendi says that the greatest sin is justifying one’s faults. In fact, in Sufism, the primary reason the devil envies humans is their capacity for love. Love is driven by passion. Those who remain blind to the springtime excitement that blooms in young hearts for this path are doomed to a fleeting, misguided season. Anything fabricated and systematic is destined to be forgotten, but Hizmet stands apart in its originality. For this reason, every task should be carried out with the spirit of an amateur but the mindset of a professional, keeping passion and vitality alive. We must constantly renew our intentions, moment by moment. When someone gives their heart to a cause, mountains become mere hills, rocks turn into pebbles, and oceans shrink into puddles to be leapt over. When someone gives their heart to something, flames become roses, and those roses turn into gardens. In this matter, our approach, especially as youth, should always be one that distributes roses. After all, only roses can truly speak of Him.
Interpreting the Times: Faithfulness to the Core and Integration
The Dilemmas of Preservation and Progress
Everything is protected by the Almighty Creator. An extraordinary preservation prevails in this universe.
“The One who preserves a human being in sperm, a tree in its seed, and a chicken in the life-knot of an egg, such a Preserver, will not abandon a being like man—the focal point of the universe and the vicegerent of the earth—after death. Just like a seed planted in the soil, He will grant them a worthy life in another realm.” (Gülen, 2011).
The laws and verses of the Almighty Creator are similarly preserved by His name, Al-Hafiz. In this case, it can be said that no other being, apart from human destruction, can disrupt these laws. Just as the only being capable of breaking and causing disorder in these laws is the human, from the same perspective, the only being capable of upholding and protecting them is also the human. Progress is like a wheel that spins rapidly, advancing with every era and propelling civilizations forward. Our Lord reminds us every moment that, just as the earth would fall if it ceased to rotate, anything that does not actively move will inevitably fade away. Just as rivers that stop flowing eventually come to a standstill, and stationary things begin to deteriorate and decay under the grip of time, it is our singular goal to achieve an originality that supports the continuous action and functioning of all personal and societal values of our Hizmet.
“In fact, without grasping this principle of renewal and development in the universe, it is not possible to understand the creation, the mission of human beings or the reality of human beings” (Gülen, 1996).
Hizmet is an inherently original movement. According to the principles that “what is original cannot fit into a mold; if it does, it is no longer original” and “great oaks do not grow in pots,” this section of the article will address the preservation of Hizmet’s originality and the stance it should take when facing dilemmas during its development.. The constant innovations in the ever-evolving and changing face of the world will undoubtedly affect not only the world itself but also the various ideologies, movements, schools of thought, and communities within it, including the Hizmet Movement.
“The world has once again entered an era of renewal. Everywhere, renewal is being dreamed of, designed, discussed, and epic tales are being told in the name of this magical renewal.” (Gülen, 1992).
It is an individual responsibility of every person involved in Hizmet to foresee that the movement will be renewed and reshaped amidst these changes, just like a seed sprouting while preserving its roots, to take steps that nurture this foresight, and to implement actions aligned with these predictions.
The possibility of making mistakes in determining the new steps that need to be taken and will be taken cannot even be considered. Successive disruptions within society could lead to misdiagnosis, which in turn causes the collective to suffer, like a form of blood loss. A misdiagnosis leads to incorrect treatment, and incorrect treatment ultimately results in gangrene. These steps toward renewal should not be perceived as a departure from the core but rather as a return to it. The concept of returning to the core must be thoroughly understood and internalized in this context.
The essence we aim to return to is not an ideal that can be limited by race or culture, nor achieved through isolation. “It means seeing the past together with the present, and the present with the future, filtering through the lens of centuries of accumulated culture, discarding what needs to be removed, and firmly holding on to what remains” (Gülen 1985). What we need to discard are the foreign values, superstitions, and outdated criteria that were later introduced into our lives and, despite being long accepted, hinder our spiritual and intellectual growth. One of the most essential areas we must embrace and deepen our understanding of is historical consciousness, which acts as a bridge connecting the past with the future. The selective permeability of the cell membrane, designed by our Lord in the microstructure of the universe, demonstrates how even the smallest of systems operates with purposeful order. This should teach us to be mindful of what we allow into our lives, embracing what nurtures us and discarding what hinders our growth.
Our duty is to protect our collective's cultural and spiritual values from the unquestioned influence of foreign elements and to shape the future with careful craftsmanship, guided by the lessons and accumulated wisdom of the past. In short, preserving historical consciousness and the universal spirit is an essential mission that must be pursued to prevent degeneration and erosion in society. (Gülen, 1985).
“A future cannot be built without the past. What makes us strong and elevates us are the spiritual values and roots we possess. When we have relied on these values, we have achieved great success, made an impact on the world stage, and had our voices heard" (Gülen, 2022).
Additionally, there are examples from Western history, such as the Renaissance, where acting with historical consciousness played a key role in success. In 15th- and 16th-century Italy, the study of works from Ancient Greece and Rome, and their reconnection to classical knowledge through translations, led to significant changes in science, art, and philosophy. During this process, the wisdom of the past was explored, reviving humanism and experimental thinking, while the invention of the printing press helped spread knowledge to wider audiences.
After exploring the importance of preserving and developing what already exists in Hizmet, along with returning to the core while maintaining originality, as Hocaefendi has taught, we will now present some possible solutions in this section of our article.
Listening to the first teaching of the Qur’an, "Read," understanding it correctly, and comprehending it both intellectually and spiritually will serve as a means for our Lord to protect us with His wisdom. Strengthening our understanding of meaning requires us to see reading not only as referring to the books in our hands but also to the book of the universe.
“In fact, it is almost impossible to see the universe as different from a book. Especially when the first creation is described as 'the pen' (1) in the tawwî orders and the first command is 'read' (Alâq, 96/1) in the tenzenî decree...[]” (Gülen, 1979).
As the pens of our Lord on the pages of the earth, His caliphs, we weave His harmonious art with His ink. As Bediüzzaman says, we serve as the soldiers of our Lord. Just as the Qur'an becomes younger as time ages, and our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) becomes younger, we, too, remember this truth through the explanations of the revivers of faith, who refresh our understanding and spur our enthusiasm. We must continuously seek ways to deepen our understanding of the Qur'an, the true source of all sciences, through the lens of contemporary science and technology. Hocaefendi, in 1994, identified the eighth trait of the Inheritors of the Earth as Art but concluded his writing by saying, "For now, based on certain considerations, we say like Jules Verne: 'Some circles are not yet ready for such a journey within our criteria,' and thus, we end our thoughts here." While some circles may still be unaware, it is clear to us that the time has come to give wings to this final trait (Gülen, 1994). Through art, we should aim to read the book of the universe within the framework of our Lord’s artistry and strive to reach the spiritual and metaphysical horizons that the Qur'an reveals to us. Indeed, one of the most universal methods we can apply is art itself—continuously presenting what exists in new, exciting, and surprising dimensions to humanity.
“The vitality of a person’s natural capabilities is closely related to the artistic spirit. One devoid of the spirit of art may be regarded as little different from a corpse” (Gülen, 1989).
A person reads and processes what they read through various internal filters—distilling it, perhaps creating new melodies, fragrances, or colors—and uses those colors to illuminate the foggy worlds of others. While doing so, seeking consultation, or collective wisdom, is one of the best practices to ensure that the meanings shaped within one’s inner world become universal. It is essential that consultation is not mistaken for debate, that respectful language is maintained, and that it is conducted by experts in their fields.
“As the saying goes, 'The clash of ideas sparks the light of truth.' In debate, however, what emerges is not the light of truth but division and fragmentation. In a proper dialogue, fairness and respect for the other person's thoughts are fundamental, whereas in debate, there is often a mindset of 'my way or no way,' accompanied by the desire to embarrass the other side.” (Gülen, 2015).
Having everyone contribute to a task—like when multiple tribes carried and placed the Black Stone—creates a unifying effect. As one Hizmet devotee once said, "A person takes the risk of what they nurture through anguish, and ignores the rest." We must also groan with the pain of effort, and in doing so, capture the inspirations and meanings that come to us from our Lord. In the enchantment of this process, as servants with hearts and souls open to divine inspiration, we must view consultation as a vital source of nourishment at its highest level and continue on this path without pause. When Hocaefendi speaks of anguish, he refers to the fact that anguish and love are qualities that cannot be separated from each other. Keeping in mind that “Living so that others may live” is our manifesto, we must affirm that the native language of our Hizmet is: Love, Zeal, and Anguish. We must affirm them, and we must embody them rather than merely speak of them. We should feel in the deepest veins of our blood the intense and fervent dedication and commitment to our cause, akin to that of Omar (may Allah be pleased with him), who was so absorbed in his mission that he forgot about himself and his kin. If we do not feel this level of commitment, perhaps we should experience another form of anguish over why we do not feel it.
“I believe that a new generation will represent this level of anguish. Insha'Allah, may they be you! Let the agony hit your brain like a mallet! Grab your temples and wander like a madman for the problems of the human world! When your soul is in agony, be dragged from agony to agony! And never stop asking Allah for the salvation of the Ummah of Muhammad!” (Gülen, 2016).
Indeed, on this path, with shared wisdom, love, zeal, and anguish; we shall walk together, never wavering, in our journey to reach the emerald peaks of our own hearts. Just as those peaks stand side by side, supporting one another, we too shall stand together, and together, we shall bring to life many exalted and noble dreams that would be beyond our reach to accomplish alone. We shall accomplish them and, by preserving the most original thing in our hands—our Hizmet—we will move forward with confident steps, without falling into the dilemmas of development. For, as the lines often recited by Hocaefendi remind us: "This path is long / The destination is far / There is no passage / Deep waters lie ahead" (Yunus Emre). And we all dreamed of a spring together, we galloped forward together. "We walked, toward dreamy springs one after another, unhindered and unimpeded. Amidst the reddening Judas trees all around, full of zeal and modest" (Gülen, 2007).
Issues of Integration and Discrimination
Integration, in its literal meaning, refers to ‘coming together, merging, unifying, and adapting’. Although it is often used together with the concepts of assimilation and accustomization, it actually holds a different meaning. Hizmet did not begin in just one region and remain confined to it; instead, it embraced universal values at its core and expanded across the globe. Therefore, when discussing the topic of integration, we will touch upon several different perspectives.
Integration includes language, culture, and social values, but intergenerational communication is also an undeniable aspect of it. Those in Hizmet who aim to integrate without assimilating must evaluate matters through the lens of “Critically assessing right and wrong”, which is the fourth trait of the Inheritors of the Earth. This section of the article will address the topics of returning to one's core and integration, as well as explain the qualities that the youth in Hizmet should possess.
“People of sound mind, including the younger generations, men and women, both young and old (şebâben and şuyûhen), should not falter in the matter of integration” (Gülen, 2019).
The core values of the Hizmet Movement, reflected in many of Hocaefendi's works such as “The Traits of the Inheritors of the Earth” and “The Hizmet Person,” provide a perfect foundation for young people to become the “determined,” “resolute,” “mature,” “balanced,” “faithful,” and “hopeful” leaders and guiding figures of today and tomorrow. Therefore, integration allows young people who have internalized these qualities, and the communities they are part of or belong to, to establish authentic and strong connections with one another. However, when faced with potential challenges on this path, they should evaluate them using the principles Hocaefendi mentioned, such as being “rational and wise enough to accept the difficulties and challenges of this path from the beginning, and believing that with determination and perseverance, they can overcome even the pitfalls of hell that obstruct their way.” Whenever Hizmet youth encounter the threat of cultural assimilation, they should recall the portrait of the Hizmet individual and remain “determined and resolute to pass through seas of blood,” rising again like mighty stallions.
For this reason, seeking ways to overcome difficulties, maintaining consistency in this pursuit, and staying on course toward reaching the goal are of great importance for preserving the universal values of Hizmet and ensuring that these values are internalized by the youth and carried into the future.
Language and Cultural Differences
Language and culture are among the greatest riches a person can possess. Language and cultural differences should not be seen as obstacles, but rather as treasures. Therefore, having these differences holds a unique place in the expanding horizons of the Hizmet Movement and in its transmission across generations. This once again reminds us of the importance of healthy integration. While holding on to our core values, we must also broaden our horizons with new ideas and adapt to both the time and place we are in. As Hocaefendi emphasizes when addressing this topic, we should be mindful of the following:
“While being in harmony and integrating with the people of the countries we live in, we must also preserve our wholehearted attachment to our own values. Let me parenthetically note: integration should occur with the condition of protecting your own values. To avoid assimilation, you must once again immerse yourself deeply in your own world” (Gülen, 2017).
On the other hand, the fact that the main sources of Hizmet are in Turkish may lead some to believe that young people born and raised in Turkey can represent this movement better, will be prioritized, or might have certain privileges. However, when considering the universal nature of the values being taught, and the essence of guidance and spreading the message, language should not be seen as an obstacle. Language is not merely a tool for expression; it also acts as a pollen that carries the spirit and seeds of the values we hold. The vision and mission of the Hizmet youth should be to understand that language must be used as a universal tool rather than a barrier, by preserving the wisdom and insight behind every word and expression. While staying faithful to our essence, we must recognize that language is a richness, so that the universality of Hizmet may flourish, grow, and blossom in different gardens.
Intergenerational Integration
The attitudes of young people who are able to keep pace with the rapidly changing dynamics of their time may seem new, different, or even incomprehensible to the predecessors of Hizmet. However, it should not be forgotten that the youth are a reflection of their own era. They not only feel the pulse and rhythm of their time but also catch the first breezes of the winds of change. Likewise, there are moments when the youth in Hizmet struggle to understand the older generations, and at times, they may refrain from making the effort to bridge this understanding. At this point, intergenerational empathy and dialogue, listening to one another, and engaging in mutual sharing of emotions and ideas are essential for the continuity, vitality, and growth of Hizmet, allowing seeds to be sown and fresh flowers to bloom in the spring. As Hocaefendi emphasizes:
"We must make the youth feel that we truly want to listen to them and that we are by their side, while placing greater importance on the sharing of emotions and ideas" (Gülen, 2021).
In conclusion, a healthy integration that adapts to the spirit of the time while preserving the core is a key factor in helping the youth of Hizmet reach their universal goals and maintain the image of a dedicated servant, without allowing differences in generation, culture, language, or other factors to become barriers to the continuation of guidance and outreach. Building this integration on mutual understanding and two-way learning, as well as establishing a strong bridge of dialogue and empathy between the youth and predecessors of Hizmet, plays a vital role in achieving the movement's core objectives and returning to its roots. Therefore, it should be the goal for the predecessors and youth of Hizmet to come together on the basis of mutual understanding and respect, while reviving the qualities of the 'servant of Hizmet' as drawn by Hocaefendi, and recalling the virtues of those who are the Inheritors of the Earth. As the youth of Hizmet internalize these values and carry them forward to the next generations, the opportunity to build a brighter and more hopeful future will emerge—both for themselves and for society. This universal unity, which will rise on the shoulders of future Hizmet leaders, will find life in the shared conscience and values of humanity.
From one perspective, a meaningful summary of integration could be understood as “being with Allah (Almighty) while among the people.” We must deepen ourselves to such an extent, enter such a state of spiritual tension, and embrace the mission of the Companions so fully that in everything we do, one point of the compass always points to Him, while the other draws circles across the world to spread the truths related to Him. Just as the upward-facing hands of the whirling dervishes receive inspiration from Him and their downward-facing hands share it with everyone, we too must always be filled with Him—so much so that we overflow. And with hearts full of inspiration, love, sincerity, and passion, we must convey this to the people of all times and places, using the opportunities and methods of our era and the style and approach suited to the culture and environment we find ourselves in.
Again, there are two truths that Hocaefendi emphasizes, which illuminate the foundations of faith and love, while reminding our hearts of the dimensions of our own shortcomings: A person loves what they know and understand, and “One is with whom they love”. If we embark on the path of serving Allah (Almighty) without truly knowing Him and following a Messenger we have not deeply understood, we cannot preserve the essence we have not fully comprehended, no matter where we go. Indeed, for something to be preserved, it must first emerge in the heart with its true essence. If faith in Allah (Almighty), and love and longing for Him, have not manifested properly even once in the potential Golden Generation of this era, then this generation is doomed to spiritual decay. Reviving a generation requires presenting them with important responsibilities within an Hizmet environment where their ideas and efforts are genuinely valued. At the same time, the path of Hizmet offered to them must be infused with the truths of faith and the Qur'an, to which Hocaefendi has dedicated his life. This generation, which is both in need of and destined to hear the love of Allah (Almighty) and His Messenger (peace be upon him) from Hocaefendi's words, will only find its path when it experiences that love and actively serves within the circles of Hizmet. Once they find their path, they will stand firm in every time and place, never straying from it.
As these young people absorb the core essence and spirit of the work from their elders, they will, like those who came before them, proclaim “We have entered the path of love…” They will choose hardship over comfort and dedicate their lives to planting roses. They will revolve around Hocaefendi, the guide of this mission, realizing that there is no one who understands the youth as well as he does. They will eagerly pursue any task that brings a smile to his face or even a small moment of comfort, continuing their service with the dream of shouldering even a small part of his burden and becoming a breath of relief for him. Indeed, it has never been seen—and never will be—that those walking this path have been left behind. For this reason, it is essential to make the youth of today feel that they are the heralded Golden Generation of their time, that it is their turn to carry the flag, and that they are the ones destined to complete this mission. On the other hand, we must remember that while their voices and melodies may differ, the meaning they perceive and sense in their conscience will always be the same. It is crucial to inspire and excite them, to echo the unique colors in their voices, and to continuously surprise them by bringing the patterns at the heart of Hizmet to life. Yes, these young people need to be astonished, to grow more excited as they are surprised, and to wander in realms of wonder. Only then can they spread the wings of love—the second trait of the Inheritors of Earth—and, with radiant faces, traverse desert after desert. Even if they encounter the driest of places, they will shed the tears they have gathered from the heights of love and, like the one they follow, say, “What significance do these barren deserts hold when I have a source of tears?” They will continue planting roses everywhere and bringing greenery to all places. And humanity will grow young again, just like the youth, and everything will flourish once more by the permission and grace of Allah (Glorified and Exalted be He) (Gülen, 2002).
International Erguvan Art & Academy is a non-profit organization established on the motto "Art will save the world,” bringing together passionate, brave, and self-driven high school and university-level youth from all parts of the world. These young individuals are dreamers and empathetic, eager to take on responsibilities within a team, deeply curious about art, and firmly believe in art’s essential role in society. Erguvan A&A provides opportunities and platforms to these enthusiastic individuals to engage in global-scale activities in science, culture, art, and education. Through the universal and unifying power of art, Erguvan aims to build a global network that supports artistic and cultural awareness projects, activities, and events, highlighting the vital role that art has in an individual’s life and society, regardless of where people are in the world.